Digital Marketing, Advertising & Alliances
Juergen Moy
Communications Consultant, Multi-Channel-Marketing & Advertising-Communication
Greinwaldstrasse 13
D-82327 Tutzing am Starnberger See (Munich)
GERMANY (Upper Bavaria)
Was ist Internet of Things? (de)
Dauer: 0:38
What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? Where is it used? What are the functions of the IoT? And how far has this technology advanced? Microsoft explains the Internet of Things (or Internet of Things).
With this video series, Microsoft explains the most important terms relating to artificial intelligence (AI). In addition to machine learning (ML), this also includes deep learning (DL), data mining, cloud computing and the question of how artificial intelligence (AI) and ethics can be brought together.
Microsoft's vision for IoT - Create the Internet of Your Things (en)
Video: Quick IoT-Introduction
Please watch video on @YouTube (Duration: 2:19)