Digital Marketing, Advertising & Alliances
Juergen Moy
Communications Consultant, Multi-Channel-Marketing & Advertising-Communication
Greinwaldstrasse 13
D-82327 Tutzing am Starnberger See (Munich)
GERMANY (Upper Bavaria)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables machines to learn from experience, adapt to new incoming information, and master tasks that require human-like thinking. Most common examples of AI today - from chess computers to self-driving cars - are based on deep learning and natural language processing. With these technologies, computers can be trained for very specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in these data.
Empowering Transformation - Microsoft's vision for Microsoft AI and how AI empowers transformation for us all
Duration: 1:48
Microsoft Mechanics: Azure Essentials - Enabling AI solutions
Duration: 6:28
Microsoft Ignite: AI oriented architecture - The new enterprise
Duration: 42:27
Microsoft Ignite: Azure AI - Making AI real for your business
Duration: 1:18:06
Microsoft Ignite: AI with Azure Machine Learning services - Simplifying the data science process
Duration: 1:14:16