Digital Marketing, Advertising & Alliances
Juergen Moy
Communications Consultant, Multi-Channel-Marketing & Advertising-Communication
Greinwaldstrasse 13
D-82327 Tutzing am Starnberger See (Munich)
GERMANY (Upper Bavaria)
Juergen Moy has been Communications Consultant and Technology Evangelist (Cloud and Data Science) at MOYCOM.DE Digital Marketing, Advertising & Alliances since 2010 and has been responsible for Central Europe (DACH - Deutschland, Austria, & Confoederatio Helvetica), South East Europe (CEE - Central Eastern Europe) and Eastern Europe (CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States).
In the role of a Technology Evangelist for Cloud (private, public, hybrid & multi) and Data Science (webcam technologies, IoT & AI), he acted as a community spokesman for the Azure Community Germany, the oldest and largest cloud community in Germany , Austria and Switzerland (DACH) in 2015, and introduced and firmly established the Microsoft Cloud throughout DACH and supports companies and experts with computer technology communication strategies and solutions in business development and partner and customer relationships til today.
As a former NewMedia/eBusiness Director Southern Germany of the Publicis Group (largest European advertising agency network) the qualified marketing and advertising communication expert has been supporting customers across industries (large, medium and small sized companies) since 2003 with marketing and advertising communication strategies & solutions in digital Multi-channel marketing and cross-media-advertising.
His reputation:
His current topics:
Alliances management strategic development and implementation for Cloud & Mobile and OnPrem, Public, Private, Hybrid & Multi-Cloud Business Development for Microsoft & SAP
Interoperability, IoT, AI and Webcam Technology Communication, Top Expert Networking and NewMedia/eBusiness campaigns for visibility, branding & lead generation, company, brand & product
launches and pre-sales.
His passion:
Strategic alliances, the search for interoperability approaches & networking as well as the interlinking of companies by means of relationship management, marketing &
advertising-communication, by means of global marketing strategies and timely technical solutions together with Microsoft partners and SAP community networks, with Microsoft Most Valuable
Professionals (MVPs) and SAP Mentors (insiders) with customer immersion experience (CIE) and best practice solutions.
His Strategic Alliances Mission:
Support of global (75%), medium-sized (20%) and small companies (5%) as well as top IT experts, the Microsoft and SAP Germany headquarters, customers and partners (service providers / SP, and
value-added resellers / VARs , Independent Software Vendors (ISVs and Technical Solution Professionals / TSPs, as well as their strategic products and services (currently: Microsoft Azure, O365,
SharePoint, Dynamics CRM and SAP Duet Enterprise and SAP Business Suite for Microsoft with market communication strategies and alliance management solutions, for lead generation, branding, visibility
and market launches on their way to 30 economic markets in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe.
His key to successful market communications and successful alliances:
30 years of IT experience (Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, SAP, Oracle, IBM & UNIX) and his ongoing activity as a marketing and advertising communication consultant.
His professional career:
25 years of experience in corporate, marketing & advertising communication, multi-channel marketing and cross-media advertising as NewMedia/eBusiness Director South Germany, 10 years as a senior
consultant at leading international advertising agencies and 5 years as a training manager, trainer and coach at Microsoft and Apple Training Centers.