Digital Marketing, Advertising & Alliances
Juergen Moy
Communications Consultant, Multi-Channel-Marketing & Advertising-Communication
Greinwaldstrasse 13
D-82327 Tutzing am Starnberger See (Munich)
GERMANY (Upper Bavaria)
MOYCOM.DE+MOYPPS.DE "MOYPPS.DE Key-Visual 2020" (self-presentation - Adobe Photoshop Graphics-Design)
Adobe Creative Suite - Adobe Photoshop jpg-graphics
MOYCOM.DE+MOYPPS.DE "MOYCOM.DE+MOYPPS.DE Demo-Reel 2020" (self-presentation - Microsoft PowerPoint video-presentation)
Microsoft PowerPoint mp3/mp4-video with sound - duration: 8:20 min.
MOYCOM.DE+MOYPPS.DE "25 years Audi quattro", 2015 (customer-POS/POI-presentation - Microsoft PowerPoint video-presentation for kiosk-system
Microsoft PowerPoint mp3/mp4-video-presentation with sound - duration: 3:11 min
MOYCOM.DE+MOYPPS.DE "Bayer HealthCare Alacare", 2010 (customer-POS/POI-presentation - Microsoft PowerPoint screen-presentation for kiosk-system)
Microsoft PowerPoint ppsx-screen-presentation with sound - duration: 5:00 min.