Digital Marketing, Advertising & Alliances
Juergen Moy
Communications Consultant, Multi-Channel-Marketing & Advertising-Communication
Greinwaldstrasse 13
D-82327 Tutzing am Starnberger See (Munich)
GERMANY (Upper Bavaria)
Life-Balance-Tips for Mind and Soul
Duration: 3:27 (video with sound)
Life-Balance-Guide for the Body "Fitness for PC-Power-Users"
"LIFE-BALANCE-GUIDE - Fitness for PC-Power-Users" (German version)
This small guide includes in total 42 exercises (part 1 and part 2) for back, shoulder and abdominal muscles-relaxation and strengthening. These exercises are from the winter training program of the Tutzinger Rowing Club 1983 e.V. and are particularly suitable for PC Power-Users.
Please feel free to download the "LIFE-BALANCE-GUIDE - Fitness for PC-Power-Users, Part 1 and Part 2" (German version) for free here, complete or in two parts.